Carti Business si Economie Daniela Niculescu Tolici

2 produse

Transformarile disruptive: Noul normal - Daniela Niculescu Tolici Reducere 3 LEI

Transformarile disruptive: Noul normal - Daniela Niculescu Tolici

15% 21 LEI
18 LEI info

Transformarile disruptive: Noul normal. Inovare, cunostinte si performanta in strategiile de management Totul se schimba. Totul se transforma. Noile abordari manageriale si noile tehnologii disruptive

Strategic Management Approaches of the Intellectual Capital and Performance Modern Organization - Daniela Niculescu Tolici Reducere 3 LEI

Strategic Management Approaches of the Intellectual Capital and Performance Modern Organization - Daniela Niculescu Tolici

11% 29 LEI
26 LEI info

The organisational success, its achievement of competitive advantage and its performance are built upon the vision asserted by the strategic management. Drawing on the emerging