Hello English! Dictionar ilustrat - Sam Hutchinson

Hello English! Dictionar ilustrat - Sam Hutchinson

3.95/5 (10)

Peste 350 de cuvinte esentiale din limba engleza Organizat pe diverse teme, acest dictionar ilustrat este usor de consultat si se adreseaza copiilor care invata primele lor notiuni in limba engleza. Cei mici vor gasi aici cele mai importante cuvinte din vocabularul de baza al acestei limbi. Ele sunt insotite de traducerile lor in romana si vor reprezenta un prim pas in procesul de invatare a limbii engleze. &bull
Ilustratii sugestive &bull
O lista aflata la sfarsitul cartii, ce cuprinde toate cuvintele din engleza nou invatate,aranjate in ordine alfabetica si insotite deechivalentele lor romanesti

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24 LEI info

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12% 27 LEI
24 LEI info

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Robin Hood - Henry Gilbert

12% 27 LEI
24 LEI info

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Szent Peter esernyoje - Mikszath Kalman

22 LEI info

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Fairy Tales - Hans Christian Andersen Reducere 0 LEI

Fairy Tales - Hans Christian Andersen

12% 27 LEI
24 LEI info

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This book is packed with beautiful scenes to bring to life - simply dip the brush in water and sweep it across the black and

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Reading comprehension - Manuela Cadaru

22 LEI info

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Cyberspaces of Loneliness - Maria Grajdian

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