Ape detoxifiante & infuzii sanatoase. 80 de retete pentru o viata echilibrata

Ape detoxifiante & infuzii sanatoase. 80 de retete pentru o viata echilibrata

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SUPER OFERTA: Produsul costa cu 71% mai putin decat media produselor din categoria de Carti Medicina
Pret 4.71/5
Interes 4.12/5
Livrare 4/5
magazin: librarie.net
Produs popular produs popular cu 12 vizualizari recente

Autor: Geraldine Olivo


Autor: Geraldine Olivo


  • Categorie: Carti Medicina
  • Pret: 24 lei
  • Vanzator: librarie.net
  • Cod: 287407
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Un brevet de viata lunga. Sanatatea e in farfuria ta. Nu-ti cumpara boala!

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100 de retete pentru noi, diabeticii

100 de retete pentru noi, diabeticii

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The oil pulling miracle

The oil pulling miracle

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'The Oil Pulling Miracle,' Birgit Frohn provides a thorough analysis of the practice of oil pulling, highlighting its benefits for both oral and overall health.

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More than one-third of women are living with urinary incontinence. It's time to talk about it. PMSL is one woman's story, providing a razor sharp

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Into the Grey Zone : Exploring the Border Between Life and Death

Into the Grey Zone : Exploring the Border Between Life and Death

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In 2006 Dr Adrian Owen and his team made medical history. They discovered a new realm of consciousness, somewhere between life and death, which they

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Seeds of Science: Why We Got It So Wrong On GMOs

Seeds of Science: Why We Got It So Wrong On GMOs

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Mark Lynas was one of the original GM field wreckers. Back in the 1990s – working undercover with his colleagues in the environmental movement –

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Making of You

Making of You

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Join Katharina Vestre on an adventure to relive your very first moments. From your first cell to your first breath, this is your story as

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30-Second Medicine

30-Second Medicine

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What does the Hippocratic oath actually say? Who originally discovered antibiotics? And is it true that technology now allows reconstructive surgery to use customized 3D...

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Enzima intineririi. Inversarea procesului de imbatranire, revitalizarea celulelor, refacerea vigorii corporale

Enzima intineririi. Inversarea procesului de imbatranire, revitalizarea celulelor, refacerea vigorii corporale

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Autori: Hiromi Shinya, Liviu Mateescu

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The Universe Within

The Universe Within

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Genes -- we all have them and we're all affected by them, often in unknown ways. Whether directly inherited or modified by our environment, genes

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Complete Back Workbook A Practical Approach To Healing Common Back Ailments

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How Death Becomes Life : Notes from a Transplant Surgeon

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A friendly and practical insider's guide. Full of tips, advice, explanation and reassurance, it will be an invaluable companion throughout your treatment. It will even

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Touch: The Sense That Makes Us Human by David J. Linden

Touch: The Sense That Makes Us Human by David J. Linden

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Johns Hopkins neuroscientist and bestselling author of The Compass of Pleasure David J. Linden presents an engaging and fascinating examination of how the interface betw...

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Heavy Reckoning

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What happens when you reach the threshold of life and death - and come back? As long as humans have lived on the planet, there

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The Body Builders

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For millennia, humans have tried--and often failed--to master nature and transcend our limits. But this has started to change. The new scientific frontier is the

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Testosterone Rex : Unmaking the Myths of Our Gendered Minds

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Testosterone Rex is the powerful myth that squashes hopes of sex equality by telling us that men and women have evolved different natures. Fixed in

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According to the 2009 census, more than five million people living in the United States have Alzheimer's disease or some other form of dementia. Not

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Codul vindecarii. 6 minute pentru vindecarea problemelor de sanatate, succes sau relationale

Codul vindecarii. 6 minute pentru vindecarea problemelor de sanatate, succes sau relationale

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Autori: Alexander Loyd, Ben Johnson

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Covid-19 : Everything You Need to Know

Covid-19 : Everything You Need to Know

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From award-winning science journalist Dr Michael Mosley: the story of Covid-19, the greatest public health threat of our time... This book charts the trajectory of

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