How Politics Works 15%

How Politics Works

3.55/5 (21)

Discover everything you need to know about political history and thought, and the inner workings of governments around the world with this unique graphic guide. Combining clear, jargon-free language and bold, eye-catching graphics, How Politics Works is a comprehensive and user-friendly guide to all aspects of politics. Covering everything from political theory to methods of government, the book presents the ideas and theories of key political philosophers, leaders, movements, and activists in a uniquely visual and easy-to-understand way. Explaining political ideas on a conceptual level, entries explore how they apply to governments, movements, and trends throughout history, along with 21st-century examples such as the #MeToo movement and #BlackLivesMatter. The book also shows how political history is affected by economics, sociology, and the role of the media - an ever-relevant issue in the age of ""fake news"" and ""cancel culture"", and the current distrust of the economic forces behind certain areas of the media. With its unique graphic approach and clear, authoritative text, How Politics Works is the perfect introduction to the subject, and an ideal companion title to DK's The Politics Book in the ""Big Ideas"" series.

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