Why Cope When You Can Heal?

Why Cope When You Can Heal?

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magazin: anticexlibris.ro/
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In their transformative work, 'Why Cope When You Can Heal?', Mark Goulston and Diana Hendel delve into the profound question that underpins the human experience: why...


In their transformative work, 'Why Cope When You Can Heal?', Mark Goulston and Diana Hendel delve into the profound question that underpins the human experience: why...


  • Categorie: Carti Psihologie
  • Pret: 7 lei
  • Vanzator: anticexlibris.ro/
  • Cod: 9780785244622
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Russian Organised Crime

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Culture, Creation, and Procreation

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Wording the World

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The surplus woman

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The belief in a demographic surplus of unwed women, known as the Frauenberschu, formed a principal pillar of the first German womens movement and served

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Worshipping the great moderniser

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'Worshipping the Great Moderniser: Irene Stengs,' offers a compelling exploration into the cultural phenomenon of 'Elvis Worship' among Dutch fans. Irene Stengs delves in...

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The power of law in a transnational world anthropological enquiries

The power of law in a transnational world anthropological enquiries

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Recoge: Power of law as discourse - At the intersection of legalities - Religion as a resource in legal pluralism.

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Why Do I Love These People?

Why Do I Love These People?

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We all have an imaginary definition of a great family. We imagine what it would be like to belong to such a family. No fights

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Redeeming the Time

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The view from within

The view from within

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'The View from Within' by Menachem Fisch offers a captivating exploration into the intersection of philosophy, science, and religion, presenting a unique perspective on h...

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Pages from the Past

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Knowing Southeast Asian Subjects

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Italian Folk

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Suffrage: Women's Long Battle for the Vote

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The Home Its Work And Influence

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